Connectedness, or how people successfully connect to their core being and then come together with others despite myriad internal and external challenges, was always important. Now more than ever — when many are in despair about our divided world and harbor fears about an overwhelming present and an equally frightening prospective future — a sense of connectedness in the 2020s is absolutely essential.

Regardless of what goals you seek professionally or personally, you can’t effectively do anything alone; you must engage others. We are inextricably interconnected, whether we like it or not.

On every topic for which I’m known (e.g., corporate social responsibility, diversity, sustainability, multi-sector partnerships, etc.), there are a gazillion people far more knowledgeable on it than I. My unique expertise is connecting the dots between people, projects or initiatives.

Living in a new age, an unprecedented time with some of the same old problems and a lot of new ones, can be terrifying and immobilizing. We are threatened in our communities, nations and as a planet. In part, the Star Wars franchise is so wildly successful globally because people resonate with the battle between forces of light (open to others) and forces of dark (at best, fearful of the other; at worst, destroying them).

Throughout history, both have existed. Voices of light, compassionate, “care for the least of these” principles are at the core of most faith-based traditions. Voices of dark manipulate fear-based, xenophobic, nativist “us/them” suspicions. Light and dark. Love and fear. Restorative versus retributive justice. We each hold these and other dichotomies within ourselves. What will you choose to amplify, and how do you transcend the process of “othering”?

Connectedness is about participating and contributing, directing your talents, resources and efforts into what you believe is important, even when the odds seem insurmountable. Connectedness can help us in this time of arduous demands — individually and collectively. It informs how we can have fuller lives, earn our livelihood, develop relationships and redesign our enterprises, societies, countries and the world.

Connectedness is a mindset and the processes by which we can feel, and actually be, less defeated and alone. It sits on four pillars: communication, cooperation, collaboration and compassion.

Communication: We often assume one announcement will seamlessly cascade our message throughout an organization. We easily forget, are not clear about or underestimate the time and effort required iteratively for people to truly understand and be aligned with what we’re trying to convey.

Cooperation: In an increasingly interconnected world, every issue we try to tackle is related to others’ efforts. Climate change and viruses do not recognize national borders. No one individual or institution can solve these or issues like systemic inequality. We must build multi-sector partnerships, intergeneration coalitions and other forms of working together for our own benefit and for the human race.

Collaboration: This is a close cousin to cooperation with its own unique dimensions. “Co-creation” has entered the popular lexicon, but how fully do you really embody it? Do you still cling to the idea that your power is derived from your being the sole keeper of knowledge, contacts or skills? In fact, the more you share with others so that the whole is functioning well, the greater the likelihood that you’ll be successful with your endeavors.

Compassion: How deeply do we empathize with suffering? Do we act to reduce it? Empathy comes naturally to some and is more of a stretch for others. At either end and in the full spectrum between, we each can build stronger shared bonds with others. We can deepen experiencing our own humanity and recognizing it in others. Compassion is at the heart of living meaningful lives of purpose.

The reality and subsequent action born of connectedness involve embracing a variety of approaches within each of those four “C” pillars to achieve success and overcome obstacles. I’m not Pollyannaish or kumbaya about this, as it takes great effort and, while the payoff can be enormous, it’s also fraught with difficulty.

Of the many different things I’ve done in my life, connectedness is the thread that ties them all together. Yet it’s never been clear and simple. At every stage of my life, it’s been a challenge for me, with resistance even in connecting to myself.

I’ve gleaned as much from my failures as my victories. From lessons I learned at the knee of my grandmother to insights gained from working with some of the world’s greatest leaders like Nelson Mandela, I’m inspired by the Welsh proverb, “She/he who would be a leader must be a bridge.”


Nadine B Hack is CEO beCause Global Consulting and Senior Advisor Global Citizens Circle. She gives keynote addresses globally; consults for and coaches individual executives and teams. This article was first published on where Nadine became a contributor in Oct 2020 and will continue to publish articles and be featured in expert panels in 2021.

{ 10 comments… add one }
  • Jane Winter December 24, 2020, 2:57 pm

    Dear Nadine,
    I think the ability be stay connected has saved the sanity of many of us during this awful year. I also believe there is always light at the end of the tunnel, even if one is in a bend and temporarily cannot see that light. Life will never be the same after 2020, but what will never change is our need for each other.
    love to you and Jerry, and hopes for a better year in 2021,
    Jane xx

    • Nadine Hack December 24, 2020, 4:11 pm

      Jane – you’ve always been there to guide people to the light at the end of whatever dark tunnel they were in! Thanks.

  • Laurence Tribe December 24, 2020, 3:27 pm

    You’re a source of light for so many, Nadine. I’m lucky to have been among them all these years.

    • Nadine Hack December 24, 2020, 4:13 pm

      Larry – the feeling is 100% mutual & our friendship is deeply nourishing as it’s been for decades. Best to you & Elizabeth, – Nadine

  • Mary Tiseo December 24, 2020, 3:50 pm

    My happiest moments have been when I was immersed in a cause, with others, striving for a collective goal. Whether it be family, friends, or strangers – finding the thread that binds us is what fuels the process. Best wishes to you Nadine.

    • Nadine Hack December 24, 2020, 4:15 pm

      Mary – then you’ve lived a truly happy life as you’ve always devoted yourself to social justice causes. Gratitude, – Nadine

  • Joan Morgan December 24, 2020, 4:19 pm

    Dear Nadine,
    Thank you for your deeply considered thoughts. This is definitely the time of year when your 4 “C”s are most visible and valued. As we round the bend to 2021, after wading through this year’s agonizing political and health concerns, my hope is that we have all collectively learned relevant and immediate lessons. May people around the world be motivated to come together with greater understanding, and, a desire for a more just, safe and peaceful immediate future.
    I send love, and, hope you have a cozy, safe and peaceful holiday season and new year.
    Joan Morgan

  • Hali Beckman December 24, 2020, 6:51 pm

    What an appropriate time of year for this blog but in fact any time of year it is valuable. Identifying the individual components really has opened my eyes and enlightened me. Something to think about for my personal journey.
    Thank you Nadine.

  • Letty Cottin Pogrebin December 24, 2020, 7:19 pm

    Nadine, You are the mother of all connectors, networkers, and social justice healers. Thanks for all that you do in the world and all that you have been to so many of us.
    Lots of love to you and Jerry from me and Bert

  • Leona Forman December 24, 2020, 8:32 pm

    Why do I not like the words Compassion and Tolerance? Do they bring to your mind Hierarchy, Upperhand, Choice the other May not have? I would love to know if others feel the same way. I do prefer empathy to compassion – it leads to finding new options; an understanding to tolerance with same possibilities of jointly finding solutions such as inclusion and caring. Another ‘c’ word.
    Peace and Good Health and Happy Surprises!


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