using new technology

Internet Tools and Platforms

We explore how, regardless of your organization’s size, length of time in existence or level of expertise, you can begin to utilize or expand upon your current use of the myriad web-based options that can increase the effectiveness of your organizational initiatives and help you sustain them. Guest panelists Danny Moldovan,; Sarah Durham, Big Duck ; and Frankie Cheung, describe various strategies and tools for different needs, depending upon capacity.  Watch two- to three-minute video clips of each and if you have interest in seeing more of the discussion contact us. Also post your comments on how you use the internet to advance your cause-related strategies and initiatives, whether you are with a corporation, a foundation, a government or any other public or private... more


The purpose of the course I created for and teach annually at NYU’s Wagner Graduate School of Public Service is to create a framework to conceptualize and subsequently engage in development as an integral component of capacity building. Development conveys the significant scope of strategic planning and creative yet disciplined execution required for effective sustainable results. I designed the course for those who engage in development from any perspective: as a grant maker or seeker – individual, corporate, foundation, NGO or other – at global, national or local levels. My premise is that development is most successful when approached within the synergy of overall institutional organizational coherence. This principle holds true at all times, but is particularly significant during difficult economic times... more

Liberian Women's Mass Action for Peace

Today, while Colloquium workshops continue, another historic event is part of the program. Tonight the film Pray the Devil Back to Hell about the Liberian women’s peace movement responsible for ending the brutal 14-year civil war wasshown. This was the first time it is being screened for the public in Liberia. Radio stations have been promoting this for the last several days and many Liberians came to the Samuel K. Doe Stadium. Tomorrow Liberia’s President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will present awards to representative of the women who organized the amazingly powerful, courageous and ultimately successful effort to bring peace to their country. This morning the women – dressed in white, as they did during their entire campaign – marched into the stadium to... more

1st day of International Colloquium Liberia

Carol Jenkins, President of the Women’s Media Center, is the MC for this International Colloquium on Women’s Empowerment, Leadership, Development, Peace and Security being held in Samuel K. Doe Stadium in Monrovia, Liberia co-hosted by Liberia’s President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Finland’s President Tarja Halonen. This is what I texted Carol first thing this morning, “I’m sitting at stage left end of front row reveling in seeing you on the podium as the MC!” Lynn Sherr and her colleague Meagan Townsend are shooting a four-part series on the conference for World Focus, a new, nightly international news program produced by WLIW and WNET in New York with the aim to provide in-depth global news to American viewers. Their pieces will... more

First lesson learned: better charge camera battery before departing on a 29 hour voyage! I wish I could show you pictures from the magnificently chaotic and gorgeous scene of much of an entire plane of Colloquium participants disembarking in the dark; beautiful young singers & drummers greeting us, small handwritten welcome signs; drinks & snacks; & a group of powerful women organizers – all of us – asking each other “do you know what we do? Where we stay? How we get our bags?” Women from Kosovo trying to help women from Tokyo, women from Zambia hugging their friends from the US, women from Ghana sitting with women from Vietnam, Benin and Nepal. I am brought back to 1985 Nairobi... more

I am a blog virgin and this is my first!   For many years, as a consultant I’ve been encouraging all my clients to learn about and utilize the many tools and platforms the Internet provides to allow them to increase their impact and many have done so to great success.   As I also teach courses at graduate schools, I’ve taught my students the same, bringing in experts from the field as guest lecturers to share the latest cutting edge information.  I simply familiarized myself on all this well enough to be able to describe where to look for guidance and how to begin.  I always have known that I have to walk the walk, not just talk the talk, if... more